Responses to anti-Islamic Polemics

My thoughts on Channel 4’s ‘Islam: The Untold Story’ program, by Tom Holland


I just saw the Channel 4 program ‘Islam: the untold story’ by author Tom Holland. I found it very amusing, he tried to come up with a alternative explanation for Islam (presumably the ‘untold story’) and admitted failure (along with arch orientalist, Patricia Crone).

To boil it down, the programs logic went like this:
1.Tom doesn’t want to believe Islam came from super-natural causes, because history ‘must have materialistic explanations’.

2. Tom proposes that the 8th Century ‘Arab empire’ invented the background story of the Quran and Muhammed (saw) in order to justify the divine right of the Arab leader to be obeyed (which is funny, considering how Islam goes into more detail regarding morals, manners, rituals and dua – a little long winded for an Arab emperor who justs wants people to obey him!)

3. Islamic sources say that the Quran first was revealed in Mecca

4. Tom notices the Author of the Quran seems to talk about a great deal about different geographical places, times and histories – therefore Tom feels it ‘could’ have actually originated from different geographic locations and different communities (like syria?!), and allegedly, Muhammed (saw) was invented to play the role of the revealer of it, much later on.

5. Tom admits that the theory does not fit well, because it does not explain how the Quran was produced and compiled from all these different sources, into one book, and how this book was then disseminated to the masses of ‘Arabs’ of whom were meant to have already been fighting for it, and memorised it. The Quran seems to point to one origin, and Muhammed (saw) and the Quran seemed to originate together, from the same time and location (an isolated place in a desolate location i.e. Mecca). Tom admits he is confused (well Tom, I’m glad I didn’t have to say it first…)

6. Tom then suggests that it is because Mecca is so isolated, it could have been why it was deliberately chosen by the ‘Arab empire’ in the first place as the perfect alibi for its cover story!

In essence, Tom says its hard to know anything about Islam for sure, because it came from an Isolated place (i.e mecca). Of course, he then suggests, that this was EXACTLY why Mecca was chosen to be the claimed origin of Islam in the first place! This is called circular reasoning, and is a poor argument. Its like me saying that the Queen of England is a shape-shifting Alien Lizard . If you tell me “but she looks human”, I will say, EXACTLY, it is BECAUSE she looks human, that she must actually be a shape shifting alien lizard – as surely an alien would want to look human to blend into human society unnoticed!

They should have renamed the program: Tom’s flight of Fantasy: The untold story”

What next from Tom Holland? Was Jesus an invention of the Roman Empire, to justify why Roman emperors should be obeyed by the people too?!

12 replies »

  1. I am not against research into the history of islam—–but is this level of “historical research” the best that a non-Muslim West can produce?!!!!!


  3. Nice article brother.

    It seems that the geographical origin of Tom motivated him to call Mecca an ‘isolated’ place!

    > A city that was occupied by the most nobel tripe in Arabia, “Quraish”.
    > A city that was a pilgrimage distination for all Arabs, even before the rise of Prophet Muhammad’s.
    > A city that sent messengers to Persia, Damascus, Egypt, Ethiopia, etc. supported by overwhelming historical evidences.
    > A city that usually traded with Roman Empire North and Yemen South.

    Then Tom suggests that Mecca was located at an ‘isolated’ location!

    It’s obvious what kind of Geography and mental state of the audience Tom is trying to target!

  4. 1.Tom doesn’t want to believe Islam came from super-natural causes, because history ‘must have materialistic explanations’.

    These are the same presuppositions and worldview that liberal and critical scholars have been attacking Christianity on since the so called “Enlightenment” and French Revolution and then later really took off with Darwin’s theory of Evolution.

    These are also the same presuppositions and world view of the critical scholars and liberal theologians that Shabir Ally and Paul Bilal Williams (and others) use by relying on these secular scholars in their criticisms of the Bible and Christianity.

    One of the most interesting aspects of all this, is why the Dome of the Rock does not have mention of Surah 4:157 (denial of crucifixion and death of Jesus Al Masih), when it seems to have been built there as a rebuke to the Church of the Holy Seplechure – the place where Jesus was probably crucified. One would think that would be the main place to have Surah 4:157 preach at the Christians. And only one verse on the Qur’an on that issue, and no mention of it in Sahih Al Bukhari and Sahih Al Muslim . . . hmmmmmm . . .

    Some of the stronger points are the coins, and the fact that Al Bukhari, Al Muslim, and Ibn Ishaq all come 150-200 years after the supposed dating of the Uthmanic revision. And also, even the Muslim sources admit that the Qibla was changed / abrogated from Jerusalem to Mecca.

    • > Your statement “why the Dome of the Rock does not have mention of Surah 4:157 (denial of crucifixion and death of Jesus Al Masih), when it seems to have been built there as a rebuke to the Church of the Holy Seplechure”

      Your statement sounds fallacious, being an argument from silence!
      Quran (or any other book) shall be judged based on what it contains not what it doesn’t.

      Your assertion “when it seems to have been built there as a rebuke to the Church of the Holy Seplechure” still needs to be proven.
      Nothing in the Islamic History supports such view.

      Jerusalem (in general) is considered a holy city to Muslims being the first Qibla, the first station of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to heavens and a part of a land that been blessed by God as stated in Quran 17:1.

      Try a better argument next time.
      Good day.

    • Please do peruse the book “The Gospel of Barnabas ” , as translated by Lonsdale & Laura Ragg in 1907; a suggestion to all Cristians of the current 38000 different denominations globally.

      it makes for enlightening & interesting reading.

      Old Muslim female.


    The Jinn And Tonic Show tomorrow will have Tom Holland as a guest – the producer of the Channel 4 documentary “Islam – The untold story” and author of “In the shadow of the sword.” It is possible to watch the show live on BlogTV (link on the video) and if you wish you may also call in to the show with Skype.

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